Illustration picture from unsplash. Passion led us here.

Education in social entrepreneurship  

The fall of 2023, KBT Vocational College welcomed students in our second study program: Social entrepreneurship. Social entrepreneurship focuses on solving societal problems and working with social improvements, by developing and implementing innovative and sustainable business models. Social entrepreneurs work in a way similar to regular businesses, but aim to create social value, and not just financial profit. 

Some of the students have earlier finished the education program for peer support workers. With their unique experience from the mental health and/or substance abuse field, they also may have a different approach for which type of services should be available. Other students have different backgrounds.  

The new education program connects the dots when it comes to some of the projects KBT Vocational School are involved in at the moment. For exampe SMAB – Smart business for all.  

A potential bachelor program in the future? 

KBT Vocational College are still in its early years and developing. We are now working with applications and formalities to get a subject area accreditation. If we succeed in this, we can develop new study programs and courses without asking for permission for each program.  

Vocational Colleges are getting more attention in Norway lately. Some have even started talking about bachelor programs at Vocational Colleges – in addition to shorter, vocationally oriented courses. In the future, a bachelor program can become relevant at KBT Vocational School – time will show.